What is Vastu Shastra?
Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of harmony and prosperous living by eliminating negative and enhancing positive energies around us.
If you are familiar with vastu shastra, read our article on it’s application in your home for a well balanced and happy life; if you prefer you can directly jump into learning vastu for each and every room and part of your home via the direct links to our super detailed articles.
Anyone will agree to the fact that we, humans, spend most of their time inside a building be it our home, office or anything else.
It’s also a fact that all things in the universe have a level of energy associated with them.
Hence it’s apt to say that all buildings and even the land on which a building is erected has vibrations of energy associated with it.
Deducing from above, it’s easy to visualize that we are constantly bombarded with energies 24×7.
Some energies are positive (with pleasing effects) while others are negative (having terrible effects) on us.

Vastu aims to eliminate negative and enhance positive energy present at a place or location so that a person, family or even business inhabiting a building become prosperous and progressive. In simple terms we can say that, vastu aims to make harmonious buildings at places in tune with mother-nature, so that the human inhabiting the building, lives well balanced and happy life.
Like many of India’s ancient science and knowledge, vastu shastra also got neglected and received very less attention over centuries, hence today’s fast paced society has very limited or no knowledge of vastu and find it difficult to appreciate and use the benefits of vastu while purchasing/constructing home, office, shop etc.
What Happens if a Building Doesn’t Follow Vastu Shastra?
We can certainly say that if a building is not constructed on the rules and principles of vastu shastra then the thinking and action of people inhabiting or working in these buildings is not harmonious and progressive.
Dwelling in a building which is not according to vastu shastra principles can lead to loss of money, physical illness or disorder and in some cases untimely death of inhabitant or some near and dear ones.
On the other hand if the building follows principles of vastu then all Divine Powers help and support people’s positive thinking and progressive actions.
How Did Vastu Shastra Originate?
In ancient India, people believed house as a living organism and treated constructing a house as sacred ceremony.
Also, they named the spirit dwelling in the house as Vastu Purusha.
It’s because of an ancient Indian story of Vastu Purusha.
You can read the story of Vastu Purusha and significance of Vastu Purusha Mandala to know more about the basis of vastu shastra.
Believe me, it’s very interesting!!!
As per vastu shastra, different directions belong to different Gods that supervise respective sectors of the house.
For example, God supervises Eshan or North-East direction and hence is best suitable for prayer room; Agni (Fire element) supervises South-East direction and hence is best suitable for Kitchen.
This means that if various sections and activities related to each section of a house, office, shop etc. stick to principles of vastu shastra then, we start to draw the power of nature effortlessly and achieving goals is easy, spontaneous and effortless.
Many rules of vastu shastra are simple common sense as they relate to ventilation, amount and quality of sunlight a building receives etc.
But some principles of vastu shastra relate to energy field of earth and subtle energy fields in natural and constructed environments.
Also, people living/working in such buildings have appreciated and verified the effects of these fields.
Vastu Shastra and Link to The Universe
As we all know that Sun is the most important celestial body which radiates light and heat and is the reason for existence of life on earth; that’s why Sun is known as the “Soul of Universe” in ancient Indian texts.
The principles of vastu shastra allow humans to use limitless energy of Sun in best possible way.
The earth, which is our planetary home, is like a mother and is a treasure-house for all comforts and happiness which a human cannot find anywhere else.
Guidelines of vastu shastra enables human to draw on all-embracing role of mother earth for best results.
If you have read and understood Vastu Purusha Mandala then I am sure you also understood above point, else I insist you read it, here’s the link; Vastu Purusha and Vastu Purusha Mandala.
Benefits of Vastu Shastra
Many factors govern the life of a human being; his fate, karma and vastu of the place where he lives and work.
Apart from karma of a person, fate and vastu affects life’s quality.
If the vastu is poor but the fate of a person is good then results obtained can range from poor to mediocre; where as if the vastu is good and fate is unfavorable then the ill effects are minuscule.
It is important to follow vastu shastra guidelines while constructing a house, shop or any other structure as it changes a man’s destiny for betterment.
The application of vastu shastra are tremendous, read our article to know how you can follow vastu shastra in your home for a better, happy, successful and prosperous life.
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