Septic Tank Vastu (It’s Correct Location & Ill-Effects of Incorrectly Located One)



Septic tank vastu is crucial and here’s why:

A septic tank is the area of the house where all the waste (whether human or from kitchen etc.) gets collected before it’s flushed out of the house.

This implicitly means that a septic tank holds negativity in it for slight (or even prolonged) periods of time.

Furthermore, if the tank is located incorrectly, then this negativity will – and it will definitely – interfere with positivity of the house making its residents suffer a lot.

Here’s a direction-wise list of ill-effects that a wrongly located septic tank may cause

Ill-effects of Septic Tank (When Located in Wrong Directions)

S. No.DirectionEffect
1NorthMonetary loss
2North-East (NE)Business Loss
3EastFame Loss
4South-East (SE)Wealth loss
5SouthLoss of Wife
6South-West (SW)Loss of Life
7WestMental Peace is Lost

Hence, the BEST THING that you can do (in case of incorrectly located septic tank) is to close the wrong one and make a new one at its correct vastu location.

Remember that while closing the wrongly located tank you need to do pooja of Hanuman Ji and then only close the tank.

Hanuman Ji’s Pooja should be done by the Brahmin of the house under guidance of an expert vastu consultant.

Never ever try to close the tank yourself.

While we’ve already talked about the ill-effects of incorrectly located septic tank, it’s now time that we discuss about its appropriate location as per vastu shastra; the next section of the article is dedicated solely for that, so, just read on!

Septic Tank Vastu Tips

Septic Tank Vastu – What’s the Correct Location?

In the previous section you’ve learned what all could possibly go wrong when you’ve got a vastu non-compliant septic tank.

Here, in this section, you’ll learn the correct location of septic tank as per vastu shastra.

Also, you’d find septic tank vastu tips towards the end of the article!

Now, let’s begin with correct vastu location of a septic tank in a house.

For ease of understanding, I’ve created an image (that you see below).

This image reveals to you, the best location for a septic tank as per vastu shastra.

Do have a very good look at it!

Septic Tank Vastu Shastra Location
Correct Location of Septic Tank As Per Vastu Shastra

Here’s the explanation of the image:

There’re 3 green colored “right marks” in the image, that’s the location where you’d want the septic tank of your house to be located as per vastu shastra.

Amongst the 3 “right marks”, the best location is towards the West side of the house.

While it’s said not to locate the septic tank in SE (2 orange colored “right marks”) of the house, some vastu consultants would allow that while others wouldn’t agree to this arrangement.

Hence the best you can do is to locate the septic tank as per the “all agreed” location of NW of the house.

It doesn’t matter whether your house is North facing or East, South or West, the septic tank must be in NW of the house.

Now, when you know the correct vastu location of a septic tank, here’re septic tank vastu tips (in do’s and don’ts format).

Septic Tank Vastu – What to Follow (5 Tips)

  1. The best location of a septic tank is in the NW of the house (see image).
  2. Make sure that the tank in not above the plinth level.
  3. Keep the tank 1-2 feet away from the compound wall.
  4. Orient the tank such that the length lies in East-West axis and its breadth in North-South axis.
  5. Orient the tank such that the water part from it leaves from East side and excretion (or solid) waste leaves from West.

 Septic Tank Vastu – What to Avoid (4 Tips)

  1. Avoid septic tank in NE.
  2. Never ever locate a septic tank in SW.
  3. The tank should never touch the compound wall or plinth.
  4. The outlet from the tank must never be from South side.

Apart from above septic tank vastu tips, here’re some more vastu instructions for pipelines that lead to septic tank.

Pipelines Vastu – What to Follow

  1. Pipelines from bathroom and kitchen should have outlets from North or East.
  2. Pipelines from toilets should be from West or NW.
  3. Replace or repair any broken pipelines.

Pipelines Vastu – What to Avoid

  1. No pipelines (from wherever) should have outlet from South (even by mistake). If there’re then make sure to turn them towards North or East or NW or West.
  2. Drainage pipes from upper floors should never be from SW.

And that’s all there is to when it comes to septic tank vastu.

If you really liked the information above then please share it with others too!

Related (and MUST READ) Articles:

  1. Toilet/Bathroom Vastu
  2. Kitchen Vastu Shastra